The UF 校董会 is the public body corporate of the university. It sets policy for the institution and serves as the institution's legal owner and final authority.
President Sasse became UF's 13th 2023年的总统.
With 150 members elected to three-year terms, the senate shapes the university’s future and plays a key role in institutional governance.
The university’s chief academic officer, responsible for all matters that affect campus academic programs. Priorities include program quality, 合作研究, 预算计划, 教师发展, 课程, 以及学生招募.
Supervises leaders and teams responsible for business affairs, 人力资源, 信息技术, 房地产, 以及审计功能.
Oversees budgeting; financial planning, 分析, and reporting; finance, 财政部, and accounting operations, 和采购.
负责研究, 学生, and institutional computing systems, as well as 信息技术 governance.
Provides legal services and policy advice to Florida trustees, 教职员工, and affiliates in their university roles.
Oversees the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (超滤/ ifa), a federal-state-county partnership dedicated to developing and sharing knowledge in agricultural, 人类, 自然资源. 超滤/ ifa includes the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and their constituent schools and departments.
Chief fiscal and business officer in charge of university budgets. Oversees divisions providing business services, 设施和服务, transportation and parking, 安全, 以及其他需求.
Leads the university’s 学生-recruitment, 入学, 登记, 记录管理, 财政援助团队.
Secures government funding and substantive legislation that helps Florida provide teaching, 研究, 和服务. Also serves as university secretary, the executive administrator for the president on Board of Trustee matters.
负责设计, 发展, and implementation of all 人类 resource management functions, including talent acquisition, 专业发展, 福利及更多.
Directs Florida’s 研究 enterprise, helping investigators identify grant opportunities, 管理奖, protect intellectual property, develop industry partnerships, 和更多的.
Leads university marketing and branding, 媒体关系及ag娱乐, issues management and public affairs, creative services and social media.
导致职业生涯, 咨询和健康, 领导, 关怀和操守, 住房, 娱乐, and other programs that help Florida 学生s engage, transform and thrive in an evolving global community.
Institutional Planning and Research provides organizational ch艺术 for offices reporting to institutional leaders.